The task of the English language[tugas bahasa inggis]
Rabu, 10 Juli 2019
Jumat, 19 Oktober 2018
profesi kependidkan ( peran guru )
Peran Guru Honorer Di Desa Tanjung Saleh dan di
Tanjung Saleh adalah sebuah desa
yang berada di kecamatan sungai kakap kabupaten Kubu Raya. Seperti di desa-desa
lainnya, tanjung Saleh juga memiliki sekolah-sekolah dari tingkat dasar(SD)
hingga tingkat menengah atas (SMA) akan tetapi yang menjadi permasalahannya
adalah tenaga pendidik yang ada disana yang dikatagorikan jauh dari kata layak
baik itu dari segi material maupun fasilitas yang diberikan oleh sekolah bahkan
pemerintah daerah. Khususnya tenaga pendidik yang belum memiliki sertifikat sah
untuk menjadi guru professional, yaa siapa lagi kalau bukan guru honorer.
Karena saya menyinggung guru yang profesinal,maka saya akan sedikit menjelaskan
apa itu guru profesonal. Guru profesional
adalah guru yang mengacu pada UU No.14 Tahun 2005 tentang guru dan dosen
yaitu guru yang berkualifikasi akademik dan berkompeten sebagai agen
pembelajaran yang sehat jasmani dan rohani serta memiliki sertifikasi profesi.
Setelah mengetahui pengertian guru profesonal
tersebut sudah jelas membuktikan bahwa guru yang mengajar di salah satu MI dan
MTS raudhatul ULUM misalnya yang rata-rata guru yang mengajar hanya lulusan
SMA/sederajat bukan merupakan guru professional. Tetapi banyak juga didaerah
lain guru yang mengajar tidak sesuai dengan title yang di sandangnnya meskipun
lulusan S1 pendidikan Geografi misalnya akan tetapi ia mengajar bahasa dan mata
pelajaran agama, itu dikarenakan kurangnya tenaga pendidik yang professional.
Akan tetapi ketika kita melihat dari sisi lain dari masalah itu semua peran
guru ini sangatlah penting bagi kehidupan bangsa. Bagaimana tidak, tanpa
seorang guru tidak akan terbentuk calon-calon generasi bangsa yang hebat yang
dapat mengarahkan bangsa ke masa depan yang lebih baik lagi. Beberapa penduduk
yang ada di desa tanjung saleh tersebut merupakan orang penting yang duduk di
pemerintahan contohnya adalah Syarif Abdullah Al-Qadry anggota DPR-RI.
Terkadang guru honorer dipandang
sebelah mata, sehingga banyak orang beranggapan profesi gru yang tidak
PNS(Pegawai Negeri Sipil) terkadang direndahkan. Mereka tidak sadar dari
kemauan guru honorer tersebutlah tercipta insan generasi yang tahu cara
membaca,menulis dan berakhlak yang mulia. Seharusnya pemerintah lebih
memperhatikan lagi nasib guru-guru honorer yang ada karena mereka awalnya
terbentuk seperti itu karena adanya guru, bahkan seorang Presiden pun mempunyai
kemampuan dan ilmu yaa didapat dari seorang guru.
Bahkan guru honorer melakukan
pekerjaan lain untuk mencukupi kebutuhannya sedangkan generasi yang telah
didiknya seenaknya berkuasa tanpa memikirkan nasib guru-guru honorer yang ada.
Kemendikbud menghimbau kepada guru-guru honorer untuk focus megajar dan
mendiidk siswa kan tetapi timbale balik yang diberikan pemrintah kepada guru
honorer tidak lah sesuai sehingga memaksa guru tersebut mencari sambilan
pekerjaan yang lainnya. Saya mengajak pembaca untuk memiliki kesadran bahwa
profesi guru ini sangat lah penting dalam menyiapakan generasi yang luar biasa
dan khususnya bagi para orang tua coba pahami kembali ketika anak-anak anda
melakukan kesalahan lalu kemudian di tegur oleh gurunya kemudian anda tidak
terima da bahkan sampai merugikan guru tersebut. Guru yang menegur siswa
bertujuan agar siswa tersebut tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang diperbuat
sehingga tujuan gru tersebut tercapai untuk siswa nya menjadi generasi yang
baik, seharusnya disitulah peran orang tua juga bekerjasama dengan baik dengan
guru-guru yang ada bukan malah menyalahkan tindakan guru tersebut.
Banyak cara yang dilakukan oleh
seorang guru dalam mempersiapkan generasi yang baik dan pekerjaan itu tidaklah
mudah. Dengan adanya guru ini siswa dapat mengetahui maksud dari ilmu-ilmu yang
diperoleh oleh siswa tersebut. Saya himbau kepada semua para pelajar yan ada di
Indonesia pernakah anda berfikir usaha yang dilakukan oleh seorang guru? Coba
anda resapi makna dai setiap ucapan seorang guru yang mengajarkan kepada anda
ilmu-ilmu agar anda mudah memahami. Ketika anda ingin sukses maka anda harus
serius menerima apa yan diajarkan oleh guru anda bukan malah beranggapan itu
tidak penting. Karena tidak semua orang bisa menjadi seorang guru.
Ppt pak sri
buwono(kebijakan pengembangan profesi guru)
Minggu, 14 Oktober 2018
studi masyarakat Indonesia
Disusun Oleh:
NIM : F1261171012

Achmadi, M.Si
Kurniawan, M.Pd
1.Jelaskan pengertian kebudayaan dan
uraiakan apa saja yang bisa
menyebabkan sebuah kebudayaan itu luntur
atau hilang dari suatu
masyarakat !
2. Anda analisis bagaimana kohesi social
masyarakat Indonesia? Bagaimana dengan
masyarakat di sekitar anda?
3. Kemukakan menurut saudara upaya-upaya
dalam melestarikan budaya
bangsa yang dapat saudara lakukan
sebagai mahasiswa ! Minimal 4 jelaskan?
4. Sebutkan dan jelas menurut saudara
apa yang dimaksud masyarakat
majemuk?sebutkan karakteristik
masyarakat majemuk??faktor-faktor apa
saja munculnya masyarakat majemuk???
5. keberagaman yang ada di Indonesia
bisa menjadi Rahmat tapi juga bisa menjadi
petaka. Salah satu petaka yang timbul
akibat keberagaman adalah terjadi konflik
antar masyarakat baik antar warga, antar
daerah dan antar suku. Menurut pendapat saudara apa yang menyebabkannya dan
bagaimana solusinya ?
Menrut Robert H Lowie kebudayaan adalah
segala sesuatu yang diperoleh individu dari masyarakat mencakup kepercayaan,
adat istiadat, norma-norma artistik, kebiasaan makan, keahlian yang diperoleh bukan
dari kreatifitasnya sendiri melainkan merupakan didapat melalui pendidikan
formal maupun informal. Penyebab hilangnya kebudayaan diantaranya,
a. Masuknya
budaya asing
Otomatis dengan demikian budaya lokal akan terkikis
sehingga lambat laun kebudayaan lkal akan hilang tanpa adanya filter dari
masyarakat Indonesia.
b. Kurangnya
kesadaran masyarakat
Masyarakat sekarang lebih cenderung memilih budaya
asing daripada harus menjaga kebudayaan lokalnya sendiri karena merka
beranggapan kebudayaan asing lebih praktis dan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman
sekarang ini.
c. Minimnya
komunikasi budaya
Akibatnya banyak terjadi konflik antar suku karena
kesalah pahaman dalam berbudaya dan kurang nya komunikasi diantaranya.
Dan masih banyak lagi faktor yang lainnya.
Kohesi sosial masyarakat indonesia
sangatlah baik contohnya ketika ada kelompok masyarakat yang tertimpa musibah
maka tidak perlu melihat ada suku dan kebudayaannya mereka tetap membantu satu
dengan yang lainnya begitu pula dengan lingkungan sekitar saya.
a. Mempelajari kebudayaan
Mempelajari setiap mata kuliah kebudayaan dengan
sungguh-sungguh sehingga dapat memahami maksud dan isi kebudayaan tersebut.
b. Mengajarkan
kebudayaan ke generasi selanjutnya
dengan mengadakan pelatihan sehingga di harapkan
kebudayaan tersebut tidak hilang.
c. Menggelar
Dengan festival kebudayaan sehingga membuat
masyarakat tertarik mempelajari kebudayaan dan menampilkan kebudayaan yang ada.
d. Mencintai
budaya sendiri tanpa merendahkan budaya orang lain
Dengan mencintai
budaya tersbut kita akan peduli dengan budaya yang ada bahkan kita dapat
menjadi budayawan.
Masyarakat majemuk adalah masyarakat
yang terdiri dari beberapa kelompok dan memiliki struktur budayanya
masing-masing seperti banyaknya suku yang ada di Indoneisa. Karakterisiti masyarakat
majemuk antara lain,
a. Mempunyai
struktur budayanya lebih dari satu
b. Sering
terjadi konflik sosial
c. Struktur
sosialnya bersifat nonkomplementer
d. Proses
integrasinya berlangsung secara lambat, dll.
Faktor adanya masyarakat majemuk adalah
a. Keadaan
b. Pengaruh
kebudayaan asing
c. Kondisi
iklim yang berbeda
Penyebabnya adalah keegoisan oknum suatu
kelompok yang menganggap kelompoknya paling benar sehingga mengabaikan kelompk
lain meskipun ia telah mengetahui bahwa kit tediri dari kebragaman solusi yang
dapat diberikan adalah,
a. Menumbuhkan
rasa sikap saling menghargai satu sama lain dalam keberagaman
b. Benar-benar
memahi arti dari ideologi bangsa yaitu PANCASILA
c. Mempelajari
kebudayaan lain sehingga kita tidak ada kesalah pahaman dalam bertindak
d. Jangan
menyebarkan aib atau berita dari kelompok lain yang belum valid kebenarannya
Selasa, 12 Desember 2017
AN : Andre
AG : Agung
Setting : in class
Situatio : andre and agung is a new friend at class PIPS
AN : hy friend
AG : hy
AN : good morning
AG : morning, how are you?
AN : fine, and you?
AG : i’m fine too
AN : what your name?
AG : my name is agung jihad novanto, and you?
AN :andre robiansyah, by the way where are you come from?
AG : i’m from ketapang, kalimantan barat, you?
AN : oh.. i’m from pontianak,why do you want to study here?
AG : because in my city dont have a university offers majors that i am interested
AN : what major?
AG : social scienc, and you??
AN : me too.
AG : by the way. What interesting things there are in the pontianak city?
AN : Oh... very much. like in the museum there are anchors used relics of the dutch ship which is still maintained.
AG : ohh. I like it.especially tugu mambu runcing . when i look at the night time.
AN : ohh . Where you live?
AG : sungai jawi at gang maria, and i live with my family, you?
AN : me too. But at gang gunung jati number 25
AG : ohh. I may visit
AN : of course
AG : im hungry
AN : me too
AG : where we can eat but cheap?
AN : food good taste and cheap at Rumah makan Bang doel
AG : Where ?
AN : street sepakat 2, before we go, wait me here ok?
AG : ok, nice to meet you, i hope you become best friends in class
AN : me too, ok i will go to toilet
AG: hahah
AN : hahah
AG : Agung
Setting : in class
Situatio : andre and agung is a new friend at class PIPS
AN : hy friend
AG : hy
AN : good morning
AG : morning, how are you?
AN : fine, and you?
AG : i’m fine too
AN : what your name?
AG : my name is agung jihad novanto, and you?
AN :andre robiansyah, by the way where are you come from?
AG : i’m from ketapang, kalimantan barat, you?
AN : oh.. i’m from pontianak,why do you want to study here?
AG : because in my city dont have a university offers majors that i am interested
AN : what major?
AG : social scienc, and you??
AN : me too.
AG : by the way. What interesting things there are in the pontianak city?
AN : Oh... very much. like in the museum there are anchors used relics of the dutch ship which is still maintained.
AG : ohh. I like it.especially tugu mambu runcing . when i look at the night time.
AN : ohh . Where you live?
AG : sungai jawi at gang maria, and i live with my family, you?
AN : me too. But at gang gunung jati number 25
AG : ohh. I may visit
AN : of course
AG : im hungry
AN : me too
AG : where we can eat but cheap?
AN : food good taste and cheap at Rumah makan Bang doel
AG : Where ?
AN : street sepakat 2, before we go, wait me here ok?
AG : ok, nice to meet you, i hope you become best friends in class
AN : me too, ok i will go to toilet
AG: hahah
AN : hahah
Kamis, 30 November 2017
Indonesia is famous for its sauce and other culinary rich in spicy flavor. Starting from snacks such as chips to porridge-there is also a spicy version!
But, being a spicy food connoisseur is not easy. Prepare the risk of
spiciness until the stomach ache because not strong withstand the spicy taste.
But there is a secret that you can still look cool even though the food that
goes into the mouth hot for mercy.
1. Milk
Prepare milk and ice water. Milk has properties that are able to neutralize
the spicy flavor caused by chili-containing capsaicin.
Milk can also prevent diarrhea that is often caused by food that is too
2. Eat slowly
When we feel spiciness, we tend to increase our feeding speed. Watch Out!
This will only exacerbate the spicy taste in the mouth.
Play your meal time, pause in every bite. This will help make the effects
of the capsaicin substances on the tongue will decrease before the sputtering
of spicy food subsequently into the mouth.
3. Provide tissues
When we eat spicy foods, we can excessive sweating or even snot that is in
our nose it melts out.
Always be ready tissue to wipe all the sweat and snot that exist before you
flood your own sweat water. More powerful if you use a warm towel to wipe your
face, because this will relax the nerves that tighten because you are
4. Prepare the fan in front of the face
The fan can be your best friend when spicy hit. Make sure you get enough
wind gusts especially in the face.
In addition to reducing the burning, the wind also reduces the production
of excessive sweating caused by the spicy flavor.
5. Brush your teeth
After eating spicy food, sometimes the spicy taste is still attached to the
tongue and it feels so torture. Take your toothbrush and go to the bathroom and
brush it clean your mouth.
Not only eliminate the spicy flavor in the mouth, the remnants of chili
that stuck in the teeth-also joined up.
Or, if you know want to eat spicy food, brush your teeth first. The taste
of mint and the sweetness of toothpaste can neutralize some mouthfuls at the
6. Sunglasses
When eating a very spicy thing, tears tend to not be controlled and
separated themselves. As a result, blurred vision and tears netes into your
food. Especially when people see it!
For those of you who do not want to be mistaken for crying, must try
wearing sunglasses when eating spicy. Mysterious sunglasses will hide the fact
that you are teary. You will also look nonchalant with his spiciness, all
thanks to sunglasses.
7. Plan B = Escape!
If all these ways can not save you from the spicy
or even make you sick to the stomach, keep calm. The key, always make sure you
are close to the toilet. Keep your calm and go to the toilet.
August 14th, today, is celebrated as Scout Day. Stipulated as Scout Day because on August 14, 1961 the event of the inauguration of the National Leadership Council (Mapinas), the National Kwartir (Kwarnas), and the National Kwartir Daily (Kwarnari) at the State Palace followed by Scout parade.
The first time the Scouting I followed was when I was in elementary school. Me and my friends go into the group Penggalang. When I want to follow the activity, I asked the mother to buy the scout equipment other than his uniform. Because in the elementary school where I studied, the Boy Scout uniform had become a student uniform skill on Saturday.
Mother bought a set of Scout equipment consisting of hats, ties, whistles and ropes, belts, with straps and knives, in Central Market. As for Scout sticks, if not mistaken remember, my friend and I bought it at bamboo seller who sell not far from the location of the school to then cut and painted. Because I do not know the size, I took a bamboo large enough. As a result, the stick feels heavy when I take it in Scout activities that I follow.
I just follow Scout activities conducted in daylight only. While Scout activities such as camps or who need to stay at school like Persami, I never participated. But there is one silly incident that I and my friends did in one Scout activity at school. The activity is a game looking for a trail or tracing the path according to the directions given at each intersection.
I was appointed as chairman of the team with confidence to read the first instructions given that the contents of it more or less read, "turn right through the road covered with cement ..."
I was immediately reminded of the way with conditions like that because I often pass when leaving for school. I immediately took the whole team to the road that I mean. Condition is in accordance with the instructions that is to the right and coated with cement. Some of the squads who walked behind my team followed.
After arriving at my new destination I knew that the team I was leading and some of the other squads were misplaced. The route we took was much shorter than it should have been. Apparently, there is another way that conditions the same as the instructions I read. Finally, all the members of the misguided team were given punishment.
The first time the Scouting I followed was when I was in elementary school. Me and my friends go into the group Penggalang. When I want to follow the activity, I asked the mother to buy the scout equipment other than his uniform. Because in the elementary school where I studied, the Boy Scout uniform had become a student uniform skill on Saturday.
Mother bought a set of Scout equipment consisting of hats, ties, whistles and ropes, belts, with straps and knives, in Central Market. As for Scout sticks, if not mistaken remember, my friend and I bought it at bamboo seller who sell not far from the location of the school to then cut and painted. Because I do not know the size, I took a bamboo large enough. As a result, the stick feels heavy when I take it in Scout activities that I follow.
I just follow Scout activities conducted in daylight only. While Scout activities such as camps or who need to stay at school like Persami, I never participated. But there is one silly incident that I and my friends did in one Scout activity at school. The activity is a game looking for a trail or tracing the path according to the directions given at each intersection.
I was appointed as chairman of the team with confidence to read the first instructions given that the contents of it more or less read, "turn right through the road covered with cement ..."
I was immediately reminded of the way with conditions like that because I often pass when leaving for school. I immediately took the whole team to the road that I mean. Condition is in accordance with the instructions that is to the right and coated with cement. Some of the squads who walked behind my team followed.
After arriving at my new destination I knew that the team I was leading and some of the other squads were misplaced. The route we took was much shorter than it should have been. Apparently, there is another way that conditions the same as the instructions I read. Finally, all the members of the misguided team were given punishment.
Jumat, 10 November 2017
Today, I will story about my best friend in the class social studies. But all friend to me best of the best. But I’m have to one people of forty one to story he this time. I’m pick Agung Jihad Novanto. He fine and passionate can always making friends is not saturated in the class. So we usually eat together after completion of the course in RM BANG DOEL. He born in Ketapang and the original people ketapang. Here he lived in the area Jeruju. He also sometime frustrating because he is also ignorant. People who are often in ignorant is Taufik Hidayat. One upon a time, he hide the wallet Taufik Hidayat because Taufik deceived Agung and claim don’t have the money. Taufik calling Agung dan making story that he was running out of money and his bike broke down with just Agung can given money to taufik but agung know if Taufik false. But agung constant people good, He return wallet taufik and given advice that lying is something which is not commendable. That’s it the story of one my best friend. At least this information because we just know but can already familiar in the class. And I hope friendship is forever.
Today, I will story about my best friend in the class social studies. But all friend to me best of the best. But I’m have to one people of forty one to story he this time. I’m pick Agung Jihad Novanto. He fine and passionate can always making friends is not saturated in the class. So we usually eat together after completion of the course in RM BANG DOEL. He born in Ketapang and the original people ketapang. Here he lived in the area Jeruju. He also sometime frustrating because he is also ignorant. People who are often in ignorant is Taufik Hidayat. One upon a time, he hide the wallet Taufik Hidayat because Taufik deceived Agung and claim don’t have the money. Taufik calling Agung dan making story that he was running out of money and his bike broke down with just Agung can given money to taufik but agung know if Taufik false. But agung constant people good, He return wallet taufik and given advice that lying is something which is not commendable. That’s it the story of one my best friend. At least this information because we just know but can already familiar in the class. And I hope friendship is forever.
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STORY BEST FRIEND IN THE CLASS Today, I will story about my best friend in the class socia...